



The most exciting thing in life is not the moment when dreams are realized, but the process of persisting in dreams. —— Yi Yang Qianxi


If there is a shortcut to dreams, the name of that path is persistence. ——Wang Junkai


I hope everyone has the courage to put their love in their hearts and clear all obstacles for it. ——TNT He Junlin


No one becomes famous overnight, all of which are made into steel. —— Yi Yang Qianxi

让我们一起努力变得更好吧! 沿途的荆棘,云淡之后 ,只会成为成长路上的印记 。——肖战

Let us work together to become better! The thorns along the way, after the clouds fade, will only become a mark on the road of growth. ——Xiao Zhan


Your hard work today is a foreshadowing of luck, grasping the present is the blossoming of tomorrow's flowers. The wind is very strong, so work harder and I will always be by your side. ——TNT Song Yaxuan


"Those who are ready will definitely get a candy." —— Cai Xukun


If you encounter something you want to do, do it bravely and give it boldly. Sometimes, what we lack is not the ability, but the persistence and decisiveness. ——Dilraba

人生短暂 过好当下 珍惜拥有 见你想见的人。____陈立农

Life is short, live well in the moment, cherish having to meet the person you want to meet. ____ Chen Linong


If you want to do it, do the best, if you want to fight, try to be the first. Since you have the ability to do the best, why not do the best?-—Ju Jingyi
